Welcome to The Plaid Moose Gallery 2.0

The Plaid Moose Gallery will continue to support the arts in our community by celebrating Canadian artists.  The Gallery with its new look will focus on the art of the owner Linda French.  From the start Linda brings her love of whimsical landscapes to her Mini Masterpiece collection.  These original paintings make wonderful gifts and add that little whimsy to any decor.  Linda also hopes to share some of her photography in the coming months.

Over the past 18 months the Gallery has introduced the Gallery followers to the art of sixteen artists.  It has been an exciting and highly creative time working with resident artists.  The Gallery platform provided many of the artists an opportunity to explore the commercial side of art.  The Gallery actually started with just the art of Linda French and initially added an artist a month.  With each new artist the Gallery became more diverse and exciting.

Why go back to focusing on the art of Linda French? First of all the administration of multiple artists took away from Linda's creative time.  The hope is that with less administration Linda will have more time to develop and grow as an artist.  Secondly, this new model allows for more flexibility to bring in guest artists on a short term basis. It is also the intent of the Gallery to build off the Art is the Heart of a Home, and earlier fundraising efforts, to explore opportunities to use the platform to bring and support art in the community.  

Over the coming weeks will you see the Art is the Heart of a Home collection displayed in the Gallery.  This Collection will be for the benefit of the residents of Neoma in Calgary who will select a piece of original for their new homes.  Each child and teen will also select a poster.  We are working with some of the participating artists to also share some of their work for sale in the Gallery.

Want to keep in the know about all our plans as we move forward with the Gallery?  Sign up for the Newsletter and follow us on Instagram @theplaidmoosegallery


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